Friday, May 7, 2010

playblast of my part of the animation.

all stuff completed tonight.... phew!!!....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

justin 18. 1. 10 uwn

ok this is gonna be it. my last post of semester 1... its my dvd covers for my assignments and my cgi water drip ani down the bottom...... i was also going to animate the drip hitting the agua, that woulda been nice but i just didnt have the time... good luck with all your assignments guys........i just hope i dont sleep late like i so nearly did on friday... bye!!! (for sem 1)

justin mfa 17.1.10

wow! ive just finished ....sheeeesh!!! thats what i say... ive not been around for a couple of weeks, i was kinda worried about getting everything in on time so i kinda lost my way on the blogger stylee.... but im back and man ive got some stuff to put up, im gonna be here for ages up loading i can tell you. ok let me get started....check out one of my anamatics for leonie... its about a guy taking his dog for a walk, we had the presentation for all these anamatics im about to put up the other day, well get the marks if feb no doubt...

ok this next one is about an orphan who wishes for a family and gets a unicorn family after being transformed into one, its abit of a shock but shes happy in the end...

this next one is little red riding hood, ive staryed true to the story, ive just tried to tell it with visuals instead of using dialogue... quite eerie i think...

next is my drip splat boing exercises, one in cgi and the other is traditional animation, i havn't uploaded the cgi one to youtube yet, so ill do that after ive posted the rest... but heres my traditional one for now... don't hold your breath for the cgi one mind, its a drip of water...

and here is what ive just finished ... taxonomy... phew, just in the nick if time too....

im trying to put up some of the images too, perhaps there is too much in this one blog ill stick up another post now...

Monday, December 14, 2009

justin mfa 14_12_09

yo yo yo.... the last life drawing tonight... heres my last etchings... check out the last one, i think its my fave... my very last drawing of the year is my fave... good huh...
barry pervis' class today, teaching stop mo walk cycle with no knees, then knees... good stuff from the very beginning of the animation learnings..... feet tomoz... oh i got the avi's in uni so ill get them tomoz and post em asap....

Monday, December 7, 2009

ok heres the animations , turn and react and a quick lip sync...

justin mfa 07 12 09

Monday night... Ive got some life stuff and a small animation of an old guy turning and looking and then screaming... oh and a totally quick lip sinc, the movie came out of Ernest, so the quality is bad with a capital B (but hey its only a line tester), and the sound is not audible, but i done it... so you gotta see it... hahaha... please forgive me... :-) ill put the life drawings here and make another post for the animations....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

here's my drip splat boing traditional animation storyboards (rough), and the finished scenery backgrounds...