Tuesday, October 6, 2009

justin mfa uwn 6-10-09

Yesterday was my first real day back in uni, it felt great to be learning again. the 50 photos presentation was good, with some great photos by the peeps... traditional ani was fun too, trying out the software. then into town for the life drawing... that was a first :-). she didnt sit still like i was expecting, she was walking around for the first 15mins, so you had to be quick on the draw, then when she did sit down, it was only for 5mins at a time before she made another pose (by the time you got to her hands and feet shed moved, doh!). the lady teaching us said we had to draw something everyday, so i drew my wifes feet ( feet and hands are tricky, so im gonna be concentrating on them for a while), and sienna my big bad dobe :-) ).
only fleeting ideas so far on the head, body, legs animation, and the taxonomy assignment. i still havnt been able to get to my PC for the analyse animation homework, so ill get up early tomoz and go and do that... justin.

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